I created <https://gptprompttuner.com> and launche...
# ask-a-growth-question
I created https://gptprompttuner.com and launched it for the first time yesterday, have 50 people sign up for it but none of them subscribed to a billed plan. The people signing up obviously want the product (they also had to verify their email before they got to the billing page) but they’re falling off before choosing a plan, any thoughts on how to get them to sign up?
Probably to pay for it it needs to provide more value?
Any suggestions? I could definitely add more features but can’t think of anything besides basic things like adding ratings to the chats
Could also add the ability to swap models mid-conversation between GPT-3.5 and GPT-4
It's difficult to suggest RN as I've not used the app and I'm coming up with my own prompts for gpt.
Personally me, I struggled with registration. Probably you can increase conversion of registration adding google, facebook and/or other SSO. I`m struggling with that too) I couldn`t try the app it because there is no free trial. I have 2 products 1 with trial and second without, and for sure, without free trial people do not purchase. We can chat with you about how to prevent cheating with free trial Then, for me was unclear a plan with my own key. For sure, I`m a dev, that`s clear for me, but not for final user , who is not technical person, but wants the cheapest option. Also you have only 2 rate plans - 1 mnthly, 1 annual. Maybe you can test with adding 1 smaller and 1 bigger usage plan? Just to verify a concept? Several rate plans are working perfectly for me personally.
So I did have two people sign up this morning for the $4.99 self driving plan, definitely think there’s value for people who have their own chat GPT keys but I think guiding users who are non-technical to that would be a great move
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Love the several plans idea
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As you have their details , Create a conversation with those warms leads over an email or Zoom call . Ask them what is it you can do more to make product more valuable to them
Yes, I definitely think a free trial, even if it is only a few prompts with their own OpenAI API key would let them experience the value. People probably signed up because they thought they could test it first. If you aren't offering freemium or free trial then you need at least demos or a sales follow up. People aren't willing to pay usually without testing the product in SOME way.
Thanks for the feedback everyone! I just added free trials for the first 7 days 🙂
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