:rocket: Help <NeuralNewsletters.AI> conquer Produ...
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🚀 Help NeuralNewsletters.AI conquer Product Hunt - Your upvote matters! 💖 Hey everyone! 🎉 If you're looking for a platform that can save you time with creating compelling and engaging newsletters in just a few clicks from real news sources, then you'll want to check this out. 🔥 🔗 https://www.producthunt.com/posts/neuralnewsletters-ai NeuralNewsletters.AI is a ChatGPT-based platform that uses AI technology to help you craft timely newsletters and curated content, ensuring your audience stays engaged and informed. To be successful in the newsletter game, you need to provide subscribers with the highest value content with a quick turnaround on that info becoming available. Achieving this will lead to stickiness of your user base and increased subscriber growth... making it a more attractive investment for businesses looking to advertise through your newsletter. The problem with ChatGPT in its current state is that it doesn't pull data from websites nor does it format the content in a way that is congruent with most newsletter formatting and word-play. What we've done is created a rules engine that will spit out compelling newsletters according to the elements of style and will curate content directly from news publishers that you choose. This is the true value in what we're offering, because we've went through the hard process of defining these rules based on 7+ years of copywriting experience. Imagine this... You're the owner of an AI or crypto-based newsletter that charges a monthly subscription on Substack. You probably have to spend at least 5-10 hours per week researching content minimum. That's valuable time that could be spent selling advertising space or growing your newsletter. With our app, you'll be able to pull news directly from news websites into your pre-configured newsletter template (complete with emojis, typography and paragraph structuring). So... in this way, you'll entirely automate your content operations and deliver the content in a succinct format that will keep your subscribers engaged. 🌟 We would be incredibly grateful if you could show your support by giving us an upvote on Product Hunt. Your upvote will help us gain visibility in the PH community, which means more users will be able to discover NeuralNewsletters.AI. 👉 How to upvote: 1. Visit our Product Hunt listing: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/neuralnewsletters-ai 2. Click the "Upvote" button (you may need to sign in or create a free Product Hunt account). 3. Feel free to leave a comment or share your experience with NeuralNewsletters.AI. Your support means the world to us! 💓 If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out. With gratitude, Mac
Browser tells me http://neuralnewsletters.ai/ cant be reached @Mac Austin
Sorry for the mishap Jon, it's https://neuronewsletters.com. Good point, will fix it!
Appears I can't edit the post.