Following a few years of marketing to marketers, I...
# ask-a-growth-question
Following a few years of marketing to marketers, I took on a new challenge and became the strategic marketing lead for a growing (post-B round) SaaS company targeting IT teams. Four months in, I realized that one thing we are lacking is a subject matter expert who can write. Imagine professional content for our community, someone who can engage with/on other communities, maybe create long form pieces, be a part of our events, etc. Think "developer advocate" or "dev-rel" for IT. 1. Because no one internal can do this right now - Am I right to find someone external, train them on our product, then move on? We need someone we can work with daily/bi-daily... 2. Where can I find them? I started looking on reddit (unfortunately our audience is there.. ;)) on relevant subreddits and messaged people who seemed to be able to write but no one responded. should I just write a job description and post on relevant communities? If anyone has experience with something similar and "IT advocates" (specifically System/Network Administration/ Service/HelpDesk Management), I would love to connect and pick your brains.
Sounds like you want to engage someone with technical expertise to write on topics that are relevant to your target audience?
Yep. @Saïd
Sounds interesting. 1. You’re right to look outside your team. How do you intend to structure the relationship? How many hours are you looking at per day or per week? 2. I’m one 🙋‍♂️. Perhaps the people you messaged didn’t have any availability or your message didn’t resonate (felt like spam?). Yes, a JD would be helpful to clarify your needs for the role you have in mind and would be helpful for me to learn your expectations.