<@U01DSBB6ATX> two things I think most of us can a...
# ask-a-growth-question
@Darko two things I think most of us can agree on: 1. @Sandra Crompton repeatedly DM's us begging for our support for every launch under the moon on ProductHunt without providing an ounce of value or establishing any goodwill first. That needs to stop 2. using @Channel for general posts is rude. Please use it only for very important announcements We appreciate your understanding Sincerely Damn near everyone here 🙏
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Hey @Greg Zen - MAVEN.video I’ve gone ahead and deactivated that account.
On the second point the post is meant to give members some nice visibility on IH, and has not been used frequently. Sorry if this has caused any inconvenience.
Thank you
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I just got invited here right now. Can I spam as well on my product hunt launch. Coz it feels like a desert there right now. Feels kinda sad.
I mean not spam but post
go for it @Muhammed Hafiz best to share that in #share-what-you-are-working-on
Okay cool! Just shared it there! Get that mouse clicking to upvote!
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