Hello community! Great to be a part of you. I ask...
# introduce-yourself
Hello community! Great to be a part of you. I asked to join because I thought the community would be of interest for me to learn and share what I’ve learned in my professional career. I guess many of you members are from different business backgrounds and knowledges and I think this can be very enriching for me. Apart from my extensive background and experience in marketing and sales for large corporations, I have co-founded 3 startups + partnered in a 4th, and currently work in 2 of them. LastBasic is one of the 2 startups I am currently working for, and we’re pivoting to a new platform (from marketplace to market network) which I want to get insights for from you guys, on helping us grow it the best way possible. In a nutshell, this new LastBasic is an ecosystem for invention creations, where entrepreneurial ideas are empowered in a social environment and connected with all the actors involved in the design, creation, communication and go-to-market of functional inventions. Unlike traditional consultancies and many marketplaces, LastBasic combines great accessibility, for anyone with an invention idea, with extraordinary convenience and very affordable prices. I would like to throw some ideas I have for the launch, and see what you guys have to say about them and ask for contribution insights too. Cheers in advance.
Hi Luis, welcome to the community! It's always great to have experienced professionals like yourself on board. I'm interested in hearing more about your ideas for the launch and I'm sure many others in the community are as well. Let's discuss and see how we can help each other. Cheers!
Hey Ankit, would love to share what we’re already doing and what I have in mind for the next days - how do you suggest we trigger this with the community so that I can get god feedback? - there doesn’t seem to be much response in the ask-a-growth-question channel after what I published 😅.