Hello <!channel>, We are considering inviting ope...
# ask-a-growth-question
Hello <!channel>, We are considering inviting open source founders and enthusiasts to speak at our online growth talk events in this community about their experiences with open source and how to effectively grow an open source project based on their experience. That is why I wanted to ask you pros, how many of you are involved in Open Source projects and how interested you would be in these types of online events? Press if you are interested in this type of events.
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I run my own open-source projects and have helped other OSS projects grow exponentially. I can speak about my learnings. Feel free to DM.
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Hi yes I would be interested in this, I run an open source project that is still in the early stages but is publicly available and has a small use base
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Hi, open-source co-founder here. Sounds great!
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Feel free to ping me.. i have build couple of open source projects and actively maintaining them.