Does anyone have suggestions on how to quickly and...
# ask-a-growth-question
Does anyone have suggestions on how to quickly and effectively gather response data from developers? I’m not trying to sell them anything. I just want to ask a concentrated group of front-end developers (working on front-end heavy products) about their development workflow: do they use specific tools (preview environments for every pull requests), who on the team uses these tools, and how they use them to collaborate with one another. If given the opportunity (say in a short interview), I would also ask if the SDK we're building (which adds a collaboration layer to any existing preview environment) could be valuable to them. I'm trying a few different things, but it's been hard to get people to reply. • Any ideas or "hacks" that you've found effective to get responses to these types of research questions? • Is anyone working in such a company and would be willing to connect me to FE devs they work with? Thanks!!
Hit reddit and/or Discord.
Hey Zevi, I would recommend giving them some sort of reward/incentive for giving you feedback, it can be like $30 gift card or maybe something else. I've personally tried that with a client who was also targeting developers and we were able to get a lot of valuable feedback. And yes both Reddit and Discord are fantastic channels where you can get feedback from Devs
I've been working on these. But how best to use them? The users are pretty anonymous there. So how do you know the profile of the person you're talking to?
You can use and target specific people who have posted a specific post. For example: Target r/webdev, all users who have talked about coding. you can also target just all users who have posted on a specific subreddit. Then you can use howitzer to automatically send a message to them.
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Use some qualifying questions. Also look for discussions on PH
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@Zevi Reinitz - The first step is to reach-out to these people and the pre-step is to have contact list including their email+linkedin. I can assist to build such a list
I can provide some feedback, I’m a FE dev