Does anyone have recommendations for behavioral em...
# ask-a-growth-question
Does anyone have recommendations for behavioral email targeting software? (we are considering Hubspot, but this on the Enterprise tier and we’re not sure if it’s worth the cost and annual commitment). Looking for: • Automated workflows based on behavioral events (“user did this thing in app, but didn’t follow through with a purchase”) • Easy to configure for non-technical users • Straightforward pricing that can scale with our growth
Nic, can you share more details about the problem you’re trying to solve? Like - how many emails you want to send per month, what’s your budget etc.?, what tool do you use for logging product events? etc.
I have found super friendly. It’s affordable too.
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@Shikhar Bhuddi We have an Android+iOS app. We’d like our marketing team to be able to easily optimize emails and push notifs to drive users back to the app. We can directly log product events from our backend to a CRM’s API (app is built in-house, and we have a strong engineering team). For budget, the most important thing to us is the cost of scaling with contacts (planning for low millions of contacts).
Would be really nice if the solution is open-source, so we can extend it or in-house it in the future, if it makes sense (we’re taking a look at now)
Got it. This context helps, Nic. 1. I think you should look at an email + push notif. based marketing tool that works on behavioural + in=app events data instead of an open source CRM like vtiger., braze and iterable are 3 powerful tools that can solve for your use case. They are user friendly (your marketing team will find UI/UX easy), off the shelf solutions (you’ll not be putting in a lot of engg. efforts integrating these with your CDP or backend via RESTful APIs). Best part is - if your marketing team really wants to do a lot of tests on segmentation, they can easily do it by themselves within these tools. 2. I’d be concerned about the cost though. While these tools do offer custom pricing for teams with high number of users (~1 Mn or more), you can expect to pay atleast ~1k per mo for these.
awesome, thanks for the info @Shikhar Bhuddi
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