Hello all @channel ! I recently launched a product...
# ask-a-growth-question
Hello all @channel ! I recently launched a product on IndieGoGo and have started a small-budget marketing effort on Youtube as well as FB. The product is geared towards endurance athletes and their nutrition during training and event. I have a community of around 3,000 but it is not an athlete-based group of supporters. With that, I am having horrible results and I'm starting to realize I should have had interviews and articles lined up prior to launch. I have around 40 days left, any tips on growing the campaign support for little money?
Hey @Mike James Question what kind of marketing campaigns have you ran on FB and YT? Did you use ads or was it organic? And second question: What is your goal in terms of marketing right now? Do you have a specific goal like getting 10000 users?
Both are ads using the same promo video (2:30) used on the IndieGoGo campaign. I want to hit the product goal of $9500 raised. I'm at $20! YIKES!
Yeah, then probably the best thing to do is go back to the drawing board, start interviewing people and getting feedback for your product.
Mike, do you have any links to videos or ads we can see? And landing pages?
I am currently running multiple crowdfunding campaigns. From what I have learned is that you aren't going to get much traction except for the first week or two of launch and the last couple weeks of the campaign. The thing is that you need a successful first couple weeks to see a successful end to your campaign. People need that social proof that others are investing to invest in the last couple weeks. Crowdfunding campaigns are tough and require a lot of pre planning to successfully raise. I hate to be that person but it might be best to head back to the drawing board. Focus on building your community very aggressively, they will help carry you in those initial weeks. Focus on community building and education. Plan things out step by step months in advance. Successfully raise roughly 30% out the gate and your chances go up astronomically. I wouldn't waste money on ads targeted towards cold audiences, maybe that could fly a few years ago but these days I think you'll just be burning money If there is one thing to take out of this is to really focus on your community. Build an attachment to the product and make them true evangelists, then asking for their money is a lot easier.. Good luck!
@Alex Giedt this is the campaign in which I'm directing every ad too https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/all-natural-energy-gel-gluten-free-enduro-bee
@Jackson Griese I am burning money on ads and likely will cut them off tomorrow.