My name is Mike James and I have been working on a...
# share-what-you-are-working-on
My name is Mike James and I have been working on a couple of different things over the past couple of years all hinged around beekeeping🐝. I run a small commercial beekeeping business- and just recently launched an industry-specific packaging of raw honey for endurance athletes on IndieGoGo...... If you are an athlete or know one, I could really use the help of spreading the word. The campaign is located here → so far Andrew Warner is my only backer. My big project is a smart insulated beehive that is going to change the market for beekeepers and beehives. The hive is patent pending and I plan to equity crowd fund to get this big project off the ground- and I have been building community and currently have around 3,000 beekeepers or aspiring beekeepers signed up. Check this project out at