Hello guys! you helped me a lot previously, and i ...
# ask-a-growth-question
Hello guys! you helped me a lot previously, and i have 1 more question to you guys 🙂 i am curious how we can build credibility... i thought of building a small market in our site to show to other businesses that our product is working properly and that they can implement it into their work flows, how does it sound? i would like to get your opinion on that 🙂 what we are doing? we give an alternative payment method to traditional means via crypto mining, like Salad and Gamerhash do but instead we give that opportunity to every product/service provider we are B2B2C Thanks in advance!
Hey @Kiril Yoanidi the best way to build credibility for your business is to get testimonials from clients.
👍 2
Testimonials and case studies. Go to previous clients and ask if you could interview and create some kind of media around it i.e video, blog, report etc...
@Jackson Griese, thank you for your reply! but we are searching for our first early adopter.... we dont have any customers yet. what would you suggest to us? thank you :)
Probably best to provide big discounts for early adopters. Could even label them as beta testers and provide it for free