hey. I have sad news, and happy news. The sad ne...
# share-what-you-are-working-on
hey. I have sad news, and happy news. The sad news is that I have surrender. Mostly. I give up to build a business. I am a technical guy, not a business guy. I need to learn my limits. But I cannot stop creating things, and I won't stop, so for now on, I am going to do just the thing that I do better, and I enjoy the most. The technology. That's the happy news. I am working on a framework to build content centered sites, like netflix, the new york times, or lexica.art. And I have a small typeform with a 10 questions about the features a product owner wants. Could you please fill it? Thanks. https://pykiss.typeform.com/to/vMNEsN3y
Done! All the best for your new venture!💯
🙏 1