Hey <!channel> I hope you are having a fantastic w...
# ask-a-growth-question
Hey <!channel> I hope you are having a fantastic week. One of the most frequent questions I get in this community is "how should I validate my product/service?". I personally wanted to hear your thoughts on the issue from all of the growth marketing professionals and founders in this community. How are you validating your product/service? 1️⃣*Sending written surveys to potential customers* 2️⃣*Video interviews with potential customers* 3️⃣*Ads (Facebook, Google, Twitter etc.)* 4️⃣*Providing a short demo of your product to potential customers.* 5️⃣*Other.* Let us know in the thread of this message why you believe your product validation strategy is the most effective.
1️⃣ 1
2️⃣ 4
3️⃣ 8
4️⃣ 6
5️⃣ 4
Hi Stefan! There’s something key when it comes to validation: the only data that validates a product is behavioural data. Not intentional. If you ask me, “would you buy my product?” Yeah, of course, you are activation my rational side. Probably it’s a great product to a great price, but as it’s a survey, my brain knows there’s no pain of paying. No rik. No choice. No “if I get this now I won’t get Pizza on Friday”. Surveys don’t work as validators. They work to gather insights and understand your audience better so your product reaches market fit sooner. They are super important. Not for validating. Same for videos etc… I guess that’s why #3 is wining. What validates then? Paywalls. Stripe. Add to cart. Purchases. Do what you can sell, don’t sell what you can do. Nowadays you don’t need develop a product to sell it first. Happy to help more if you need 😉