Hey guys, is there anywhere I can find growth mark...
# ask-a-growth-question
Hey guys, is there anywhere I can find growth marketing content, ideas & concepts? We’re adding ‘how to’ & ‘marketing concepts/ growth hacks’ themes for our website’s articles - would really appreciate some links or names or places I can find this for our content writer 🙏
hi Richard 👋 I think it depends on your goals and what your website is originally about, but here are a few ways we get inspired for content for our website: • IndieHackers • Reddit • This community • Our own experience IN essence, it’s best to focus on the ladder. Your experience will always be valued 10x more than reporting on the experiences of others (but that can also be effective if done right). I can give you more specific examples if you provide more context. What’s your business and website about? What are your goals? Organic traffic, or conversions?
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Hey @Tina! Our business is Salesflow.io (B2B growth hacking & linkedin automation tool) , we’re looking to provide more valuable content (rather than just bland content for SEO) and hired a new content writer to boost demand generation. most of the keywords we rank for are linkedin automation, sales navigator, and lead generation etc
Jump into Demand Curve
Thanks for the context Richard, that’s quite specific 😄 Great content is awesome for SEO too, but it’s best to make the value be the focus. There are many diferent ways and places to get good ideas from, but here are my recs: • My go to would be content creators like this guy: https://www.youtube.com/c/RaviAbuvala (there are many more) - my preference is video but you can also find bloggers in your niche. • I’d check these 2 subreddits daily: https://www.reddit.com/r/sales/ & https://www.reddit.com/r/LinkedInLunatics/ • As well as search for “LinkedIn” related posts on Indiehackers • And finally see what your users (the guys actually using your product in your client companies) are linking/sharing. I think there are a lot of resources to pull from on the adjacent topic but I do have some specific advice regarding your situation - the content writer. As someone who has worked with content writers, and has been one for a few years, I think the key to great content is the brief. You team will still need to do a lot of work, and if you are aiming for great content, that’s unavoidable. Here are a few things you should include in the brief that have worked best from my experience: • target audience/persona (who do you want to read this?) - as specific as possible or give real people as examples • the concept/vision for the blog • the full structure with starting links for inspo (which style you’d like the blog to be written in, or an example blog that’s similar to what you’re aiming for) • who this blog will be “written by” on your site (key if it’s a first person type of piece) I actually think that this above everything else can make or break your content because content writers are not ghost writers. They might have skills to put together a bomb sentence, adjust their style and what not, but they know at most 2-20% about your niche. And considering you want people to learn from you… that’s a problem. So unless you have a copywriter that’s also a LinkedIn master, I strongly, strongly recommend this approach. This is how I’d go about this for starters, but if I think of anything else I’ll hit you up 😄
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I agree 100%; an article brief is critical! It saves us, content writers, a lot of edits.
@Tina thanks so much for this
happy to help 😊