Hi everyone! We spent the last 18 months making s...
# share-what-you-are-working-on
Hi everyone! We spent the last 18 months making substantial changes to Rock. Our platform offers instant collaboration functionality for startups, DAOs, and remote teams. 🚀 🤘 Bring order to chaos with Rock We are bringing sanity back to the way we work by solving the following problems: -> Constant switching between different apps → Rock brings messaging plus tasks and all your favorite apps together in one space. -> It's too much hassle to start working together → Instantly work with anyone with your own space.new link. -> Collaboration tools are too expensive → Rock has no limits on the free plan. Radically accessible pay-per-space pricing on the paid plans. 🎸 Messaging and tasks together at last Messaging and tasks are at the core of what builders and makers need to get work done, so we've made them available in the same space. As teams use lots of other services we've made it possible to connect everything from Figma to Notion, Google Docs, and lots more so you can reference them within Rock. Rock is also multi-modal so you can pick and choose how you want to communicate. Would love to hear some feedback and support on Product Hunt if you like what we're building. You can check out the post below. 👇 https://www.producthunt.com/posts/rock-3
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