:mega::mega::mega: Hi guys. I'm looking for some h...
# share-what-you-are-working-on
📣📣📣 Hi guys. I'm looking for some honest feedback about my agency's website: https://cloud9devs.com/. I'm trying to figure if the messaging is clear? 📣📣📣
I find the website well done, the message seems to be clear also. Good job! Did you think of adding some portfolio there? And another little thing: the pictures in the bottom part look a bit generic. Would be great to put there pictures of your team with some branded items, so people will see real humans behind the website.
☝️ 2
@Yuri Drabik thanks a lot for your honest feedback, it's good to hear that the message is clear. Yes, I'll definititely shoot a couple of pics with our team! By portfolio you mean the clients & customers? We don't have any in-house projects at the moment.
No worries, happy to share my opinion. I see your point, if you can’t share the code and showcase the projects you worked on, because they are private, then maybe you share some client’s names/reviews. Something that can increase trust.
👀 1
I'll start building a profile on Clutch! Thanks for the great idea
🙏 1
Good luck with that!
Hey Romano, your message was clear. My background is being the technical co-founder and running a team of about 5 devs. They were all locally based, we never looked offshore (this was a few years back) I believe they are now. If I was doing this now I would have the following questions (I am not sure if these should be on your website or not, but maybe an FAQ section could be useful?) Who owns the IP. What security processes are in place (would have been important for my last company as we had tonnes of security compliance stuff our corporate customers made us do). What time zones do the developers work in. What are the preferred ways to engage. Hourly, or project based payment. I guess a lot of these questions would be answered if I click get in touch, but if I was looking across lots of different firms, having a few of these questions answered would put you higher up on my list of potential firms to work with.
👍 1
@Richard Cross oh wow, your feedback is golden, thank you! I've immediately added a FAQ section with answers to your questions + added a few sentences underneath each section. Can you tell me if the answers are satisfactory? 🙏 Would you care to share any other questions that arise (if you were looking across different firms?) 🌶️
Nice FAQ section. • IP - 10/10 • Timezone - 10/10 (I am in New Zealand, but assuming your target market is in the US, it works well) • Ways to engage - 10/10 • Security - 7/10 - Not bad. Security is a super tricky thing to know the correct level of detail to go to. Some of our clients gave us 100+ question questionnaires on our processes. It was the most time consuming and painful part of my job dealing with it. Sometimes in order to know that you are walking the talk if you mention something like you are in line with ISO 27001 requirements, or some such. Note that I said, 'inline' with i.e. you do not necessarily need to have ISO 27001 certification or anything, just that you are aware that security management is a thing, and that you practise it. This might help you with B2B saas customers, at least ones that have larger clients. (please note that coming to grips with security management systems like ISO27001 is time intensive (a few weeks). But yeah, the more specific you can get here the better. Your first sentence 'Our developers will match our client's security processes' is also good. One other thing that might be good to cover is how you guys like to work / communicate. If you have any preferred methods there, or if you find it works better to integrate with the clients processes (e.g. version control, chat, video, apps, agile, scrum) And finally, you communicate very well so that would give me a lot of confidence. Being able to communicate complex technical concepts to developers was a lot of my job. Working with people that just understood what I meant, and I understood what they meant was a massive time saver. Conversely a lot of time was spent with people that could not communicate well... and that often ended in frustration / me only giving them tasks that could be explained simply and doing complicated ones myself. If all of your developers have strong language skills you should talk this up. If any of your developers do not have strong communication skills/ are not fluent in the clients language, maybe address how this is handled. i.e. all communication goes through a project manager who is fluent.
10/10 for your feedback, thank you again and again! I've adressed the security issue as you suggested and clarified that we do not hold the 27001 or soc2 certificates + I've added another FAQ titled "how do we communicate with clients?" I totally understand your pain with communication, as I was a PM before in a sw dev agency, so having excellent communication with other team members and the client was always something to improve on 🙂 Feel free to check it out!
@Richard Cross
It looks great Romano, glad to be of service! Your website now covers all of my pain points and if I was in the market, I would engage.
Oh, one last thing I just thought of.. since it seems you guys are not hiring the developers directly, but match the developers to the clients and manage the relationships.. (is that right?), maybe mention how your contracts work? e.g. do you provide a contract to both parties ? If I was going to start working with remote devs I'd want to see one that had at minimum an NDA to ensure the client's IP, security etc. is protected (stuff like developers remove access to repos, revoke any credentials, and remove all local copies of client's IP after the contact ends. Any and all IP is kept entirely confidential etc.). Also I would like some assurance that all the legal scruples of hiring a remote team (local labour laws etc.) are taken care of. Also maybe the contract can be amended in the case where the client needs specific clauses..
And I think that is all 😄
We actually are hiring hevelopers directly! @Richard Cross that's the thing: clients contact us and we offer an agency service. What do you think I should change in order to make this clearer?
I've updated the copy a bit more as tell in order to make it clearer!
Oh sorry. I am not sure what made me think that. The updated copy doesn't make me think that anymore. BTW, nice hero image. Looking good!
@Richard Cross I actually re-read the copy and saw that it’s not very clear about what we offer 👀 So thank you again! Is there anything I can do for you in return? 🙏
. . Hi guys. I've added a bit more description about what we do on the website and wanted to ask for some feedback regarding the content. 💚 I would really appreciate the help! ❤️