Just wanted to ask a question. How many of you guy...
# ask-a-growth-question
Just wanted to ask a question. How many of you guys watch short videos? like from TikTok & youtube shorts & facebook reels, etc. do you hate the time they are wasting? if there's an app just like tiktok. but for professional people, you can open and choose your field and start watching content from professionals like you about your profession, do y ou think this will be a solution for you? I need answers from everyone please! haha.
👀 1
I watch Short video but only for business-related or increasing my knowledge.
Exactly man. but what if there's a platform that is just like TikTok and Linkedin together. to watch short videos about the fields you like! when you enter the app it asks you what are your professions and tell him for example (business man, and marketer) then all the content you will receive will be about this topic from professional people! and it won't be just eduction content. it will cintaqint news, stories, experiences, and all things about the feild you've chosen! what do you think?
Tiktok is banned in India so I don’t know. After that, another platform is a revenue generate app. We made a really interesting idea related to healthcare. It’s depending on mindset.
but what do you think about the concept?
My side, it’s helpful to me. so no wasting my time.
From my point, I don’t waste a ton of time in social media, it going to make you overreactive and sensitive to absorb a trash. Moreover, it hit your brain if you are busy person. Using the Internet should include crumbs of awareness. Everything depends on algorithm that you are giving to the source, what you liked that you will see) It’s the law of cause and effect. So, if taking that information - most useful will be something that concentrate people attention to important things easier and faster without advertisement, cat, memes, funny “repetitive” moments and so on.
I got your point atrem. and you are right. but those you are talking about are the current platforms. we aim to do something different. imgain tiktok+linkdein! this is our idea, and we called it Bencil! I can send you our landing page if you are interested!
It's more about the content, I feel if someone puts something interesting it could be a beneficial medium