Hi, I'm Pruthvi. I'm building <Typestack.ai> an a...
# share-what-you-are-working-on
Hi, I'm Pruthvi. I'm building Typestack.ai an alternative for WordPress blogs that auto-optimizes your content and blog pages for SEO & Speed so you Just focus on creating content. We are in Beta and looking for some solid feedback to improve the product. Do sign up and let me know your feedback.
I have hindi news clients . All the traffics comes by google discover. The most critical part for news industry is TTFB should be under 200 ms and cdn assets linking They do not want there front end designs to be changed They do not have hosting budget so achieving 200ms TTFB in wordpress becomes critical task I have many insights for your business If you could build something thats helps news companies having wordpress in backend you will start getting lots of clients from our end