Hi all - we’re looking for a tool to identify comp...
# ask-a-growth-question
Hi all - we’re looking for a tool to identify companies based on their tech stack. I know Zoominfo offers this but it’s a bit heavier weight/pricier than what we’re looking for. Any recs? Some examples of tools we’re filtering for: CircleCI, Terraform, AWS SSO, Aptible, Okta, etc. Thanks in advance for your help!
Hey @Sandy Kwon , Ravel.com may be able to help. ZoomInfo got all their technographics data through the acquisition of Datanyze. That company’s founder is on our advisory board. We uncover tech stacks and other custom segmentation data found on a prospects websites.
TY! Will DM you
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Hi @Sandy Kwon, you can also check LinkedIn Sales Nav
Hi Sandy, we have seen Seamless.ai fit into our budget and offer exactly what we need. Let me know if you'd like me to put you in touch with Nicholas from their team.
hey @Sandy Kwon. I launched SalesIntel (a ZoomInfo competitor) as a product and brand and am super familiar with the space. That includes knowing who, where, and how a lot of these organizations are sourcing their data (spoiler: it's rarely 1st party) and can generally get to essentially the same data they're offering at a fraction of the cost. Anyway shoot me a DM if you'd like to chat
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have you looked at Builtwith.com
Lists are well priced and you can filter by tech used. As an example we’re looking for customers on Auth0 we got a full list of 5k companies.
uploaded that into linkedIn sales nav and we’re away prospecting