Hi there! Wanted to ask if anyone is happy with a ...
# ask-a-growth-question
Hi there! Wanted to ask if anyone is happy with a team or a creative agency for video creation especially on sensitive topics that ad platforms sometimes block - speaking bout Healthcare/Psychology/Services ? Looking for references for now as it is quite tricky and investing into a creative only for it to get blocked for "sensitive content" definitely sucks for everyone.
@Martin Yochev can you share an example of the video content here?
Theres a lot, cant really brind in one singular example but - topics like : Panic attacks; Anxiety; ADHD; Well-being and other Mental health topics that sometimes get picked up as sensitive content
I personally haven't worked with other video marketing agencies, I saw this list of top 22 video marketing agencies. https://nogood.io/2022/01/10/best-video-marketing-agencies/ Maybe it can help you.
Usually video marketing agencies are expensive to hire.
Hi @Martin Yochev I might be able to help. I work at Content Beta, a video production studio and we’ve helped enterprise software companies like ServiceNow. You can check out examples of our work: https://www.contentbeta.com/video-examples/ DM me if you think we would be a good fit and would like to chat further.