Hi guys, when do you actually start thinking about...
# ask-a-growth-question
Hi guys, when do you actually start thinking about analytics and what are key first step towards having a reliable data stack and who should be a stakeholder for this?
hi Rohan 😊 I’m not sure I completely undressed your question but my answer is always that it’s never to early to start looking at data. I work with a lot of newly established businesses and you wouldn’t believe how many things go unnoticed until somebody looks at the data. There are leaks in the pipeline, unnoticed spending, etc etc. What kind of analytics are you asking about? And when you say stakeholder - do you mean department / employee?
@Rohan Khameshra very common question, and the best and complete answer I have found so far is in this article reforge.com/blog/scaling-data from Reforge.