Does anyone have a platform, vendor, or program th...
# ask-a-growth-question
Does anyone have a platform, vendor, or program they use to draw out customer journeys or better yet customer journeys with marketing channels charts? Example of a brand with fewer channels made in PowerPoint but I'm sure there's something better out there, especially with some more sprawling marketing plans.
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@Delia Ene works for a company that offers a platform for customer journey mapping. She may help you out with this.
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I like Lucid Chart a lot for things like this
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Miro, Mural, bluescape only because they can accommodate a massive diagram.
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I would also suggest Miro, I've been using it for two years to create customer journey maps
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We're actually building a tool for exactly this! Not sure what the rules are regarding self promotion so I won't link anything here, but let me know if you want to chat about it
I'd like to see it. DM me a link, please
Sure DM me as well
Thanks for the shoutout, @Stefan Despotovski! Indeed, InnerTrends has a wizard to build your Customer Journey Metrics map - it is focused on PLG companies, and it highlights the metrics you should track for your AARRR pillars You can track also the performance of your marketing channels within the actual InnerTrends product analytics platform, but just a note that the map itself doesn't spell out those channels. For more info, @claudiu can also help.
My company’s bread and butter is a platform that helps marketers visualize customer journeys and get data/insights from it. (We’re for marketers, not CX.) Also not sure about the self promo rules here, so happy to take this into DMs!
Can you share the URL?