Heya! I'm Iya Mendoza, but my name is pronounced a...
# introduce-yourself
Heya! I'm Iya Mendoza, but my name is pronounced as "E-ya." I'm a part of an Instant Logo Design company, where Artificial Intelligence mainly powers in creating logo designs. We mainly targets startups or small businesses who doesn't have much budget when starting their brand identity, yet looking for a filler or a startup logo that they can use in the long-run. We decided to start our marketing efforts last year in December, but our growth could have been faster. That's why we hope to connect with other brands and growth marketers to achieve our brand awareness and revenue goal. We might even help you, your partners, or anyone you know who's looking to create a brand and find a way to design a logo by themselves. DO YOU WANT TO TRY IT FOR FREE? Just visit our website, type in your brand name, choose from thousands of templates, and edit your best pick! Let me know if you have further questions or want any type of partnership at iya@instantlogodesing.com