Hi folks, I built this platform and I'm looking fo...
# ask-a-growth-question
Hi folks, I built this platform and I'm looking for feedback and upvotes https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33670066
Been seeing a lot more web-builders and IDEs again lately: Curious what took you in this direction @Mehrdad Pazooki? Were there no other options that met your needs, or where did you find differentiation with what was already out there?
Hi @Donovan I used many different platforms and frameworks for building websites; WP, woocommerce, wix, squarespace,etc. and for dev react, angular, etc. I realized I could build something better than them using pure JavaScript so that the learning curve is a lot less for developers and implementation is more efficient if looking at PageSpeed tests with decent SEO while offering nice drag n drops visual editor. So I started building an efficient JS site maker library which is at the core of my platform, then I added wrappers to make it work as a general web app/site builder. Then I added web IDE and Visual editor to it. now it has a great foundation. My targets are design/marketing agencies (for enterprise), random freelancer frontend developers and power user marketers. The main differentiation is that you could actually make a sophisticated web app on this platform (It is not an only landing page builder) and with full access to JS code for customization of the entire project but in a pre-structured web app. Another differentiation is the caching layer that's automated with each request call using JS API I've built that for queries on large datasets e.g. for financial analysis dashboards, etc.. I've had my first paying customer (a landing page) and my focus now is on making it to first 100 customers (more likely from internet users than local sales)
( Pardon the delay in responding, I am coming back; thank you for the detail )
no worries
I like your explanation @Mehrdad Pazooki, thank you for your patience. I also had your approach, for the most part, and am somewhat halted on that. I notice some glitches in your MVP but the idea seems courageous and well thought through. Would you be interested to test collaboration on this? I am
based but have the same goals, and am migrating clients off the CMS platforms you mentioned, most of which I hate, and the client does not care what one it is if they get results and have top quality. Otherwise it is nice to see someone aware of how insane the competition and doing it anyway from depth of experience.
Hi @Donovan I was away from slack for a few days. What is your current product/service? and What kind of collaboration do you have in mind? (perhaps would be better if we talk in DM)
BTW, the new version is out https://getlivewebsite.com/webstudio/