What are your thoughts on content syndication (for...
# ask-a-growth-question
What are your thoughts on content syndication (for b2b) as a lead driver? We’ve talked to a couple of providers and I’d love to learn from other folks’ experiences in general or for particular resources.
It's a very effective way to generate referral traffic to your website at the cost of losing your organic traffic. This is because search engines will consider syndicated content as original and mark yours as duplicate. However, you can avoid this by making sure the website has added your website as original in their canonical tag.
Having partnered with content syndication companies in the past, the other thing to be aware of is data integrity. CS can get very expensive it is is a blanket approach and the data quality can be poor and/or less timely for sales engagement/follow-up. Specifically those selling B2B, they tend to have more success doing outbound campaigns before they start a CS program due to control on who you can target and refining your target market. So I say all of that to say, it depends on where you are in your growth cycle and it should be considered an additive program vs a primary program.
Thanks, @Krystan Resch and @Alok!