Does anyone have a strategy on how to get an artic...
# ask-a-growth-question
Does anyone have a strategy on how to get an article by Hacker News or Tech Crunch?
This might sound blunt - but have you tried contacting them and asking? Typically places like that will put your article in, but for a price.
Hacker News is a forum not a publication
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Still learning my way around marketing
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Unless your product is airtight, HackerNews is a place to get brutalized. Have you done a ProductHunt campaign? (its more than just launching there)
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Something worth writing about is usually helpful for journalist coverage; also writing good content for a lazy journalist to plagiarize without penalty also helps.
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Does look like has an API so that may be your best bet
There's a "Show Hacker News" section you can submit your projects to - but as someone mentioned it's brutal in there
Alternatively, you can write an article which would be interesting to the audience (then have a backlink to your product) - which you can submit as a regular post. E.g. your product is an A/R app for interior design, you could post a medium article about how you wrote / coded the A/R feature. If it's interesting it could get upvoted to front page but again, HN is super technical so unless it's good it'll be brutal
For TC etc you can try cold emailing (you'll need a press kit etc) but if you have contacts and a unique angle you'll get more success. But TC usually not the best place to launch unless your audience is there - you migth get a big bump but then will drop off dramatically after