We are having our team Q3 planning session on Mond...
# ask-a-growth-question
We are having our team Q3 planning session on Monday - what is the best app or platform for brainstorming/mapping + notetaking? I've used Mural/Miro in the past. Preferably one that integrates with Zoom or another meeting platform. And has anyone switched it from Zoom to another platform? Just to give it a different feel?
Yes, Zoom has a terrible privacy policy. I would recommend everyone drop it. Instead I use https://meet.jit.si for meetings. As far as mural/miro, I don't think there's anything that integrates easily with any video platform. Obviously a screen share is the quick & dirty method. As an aside, I'm a freelance developer and can provide a custom solution for you. If you're interested in setting something up, DM me and we can connect. I imagine infusing an open source whiteboard collab tool with jitsi (which is also FOSS).
I've heard good thing about https://www.butter.us/