Who here is frustrated with low email open rates?
# ask-a-growth-question
Who here is frustrated with low email open rates?
Big time. Over covid, and with most folk working from home, my cold call connect rate plummeted. Then everyone switched to emailing, and now my email open rates have plummeted.
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what are your email subjects and typical first few lines? Remember, when someone gets an email all they see is the first few lines and subject so you've really got to shine through
This happens often in email marketing, and there are explainable reasons that could be the problem (not definite). 1. Check your list: Step #1: Clean your list, remove bounced emails, and invalids. Step #2: Segment your list; (1) group inactive and active subscribers differently. (2) further segment your active subscribers to group engaged and unengaged subscribers (30-90 days benchmark is best). Step #3: Send marketing emails to only your active and engaged subscribers. (This will dramatically increase your open rate, all things being equal) Step #4: Retarget your inactive subscribers and re-engage your unengaged subscribers. 2. Check your domain reputation: Make sure your DMARC configuration is still in tact. If your reputation is low, change your sender IP or domain entirely. 3. Optimize Your Subject Lines: Bear this in mind; a. Your recipient only sees the first few lines to a maximum of about 30 characters. b. Choose words that elicit curiosity to begin your subject line. Add more intrigue with your preview text. 4. Pay attention to your audience and send relevant content If you need more explanations you can dm me. Let's dig deeper. Kind regards.
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I have 85-90% open rate the reply rate sucks 5-6%
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That's actually not a bad reply rate for cold emails. Can you share the content? (Anonymise it obviously) Also who are you sending the email to? Current customers or completely cold outreach?
@Konsta Saastamoinen I'd like to help you, free of charge. All I ask in return is a testimonial if I'm successful. Sound ok with you?
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@Dan Taylor I sent you a PM 🙂
@Aleksandar Micev I'm interested in seeing the content as well if you can share it privately. Maybe between myself and @Dan Taylor we can figure this out.
@Aleksandar Micev what's the list size? That's an awesome open rate and a decent reply rate. I'd expect for an 80% open to have an 8% reply rate.
If anyone else is interested in me helping them free of charge, go here https://helloinbox.email/#test and follow the instructions to perform the tests. Once the tests are generated share the report link with me via PM. I'll see if I'm able to help.
here's a useful resource for email marketing/outbound emails. take it more like guidelines rather than gospel-obviously depending on your product, ICP, and territory you might find parts more relevant than other
I’ve talked to a few email vendors and they mentioned we should use open rates directionally because corporate spam filters open them before the prospects do so they might be a bit inflated
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@Dan Taylor Fantastic resource. Thanks for sharing.
@Jonny Chan yeah if they immediately open it then its likely a firewall/spam filter, but if its an hour or two afterwards its more likely to be real
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@Jarie thanks friend 🙂