Does anybody have experience with positioning of a...
# ask-a-growth-question
Does anybody have experience with positioning of a brand and can help me with some good resources?
Basically try to be the best at serveral places where users might search for you.
Make a branded profile on quora or other forums and answer every question related to your brand
To take it to next level start a youtube channel and share something youtubers in your area share with brand authority
I disagree that any of what Ayush says will help with positioning. You need to hone in on your messaging to ensure you’re putting out the right content, for the right audience, on the right channels. Being everywhere isn’t going to help if you don’t have your messaging refined.
Yes, I think Ayush misinterpreted my question. My question relates to brand positioning, in order to get to better messaging
Best ways to go about this will depend on what stage of business you’re in and your industry, but here’s what I do for my clients: 1. Social listening - especially Quora and Reddit. What are people asking about? How do they talk about the problem you solve? 2. Competitive analysis - what are others doing? How are you different? 3. Values/Purpose - why did you enter this industry? what’s something that only you and your team can bring in matters of attitude, values, process? 4. This may sound woo woo, but free-writing and brainstorming. There’s lot of good online resources about positioning and you can use them as prompts. It’s not a waste either, because a lot of that can be used on sales pages, social, and long-form content.
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I worked on a project, where a brand strategist was brought in. Expensive but 100% redefined the market position, messaging and target audience. The copy on the website really helped make them different, and the one you wanted to work with. Example on how to build a narrative...
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Email marketing is a powerful tool to launch & further your brand