How do you promote a Shopify app? I tried cold ema...
# ask-a-growth-question
How do you promote a Shopify app? I tried cold emailing Shopify plus store owners and marketers. It didn't work out well. Can anyone suggest a diff marketing channel?
I’d be interested this as well. We just created a store but not sure how to market it.
To market the Shopify app for merchants, the best way would be to utilize Facebook and Instagram ads targeting Shopify Merchants. Taylor the ad to focus on your value proposition or the problem you solve and make it directly related to Shopify where they can see that. Put something like Shopify merchants love our plug-in because… add value proposition… then your call to action.
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Thanks, Bob btw do you have a list of E-commerce communities to target?
I just target “Shopify” in general
Shopify also has a community program where they work with app developers to create differentiated experiences for their users. They also have the ability to promote apps based on how useful they think they can be to their community
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If you’re short on money for ad spends, but have time, you can get involved in those communities as well. DO NOT go in spamming your app, you’ll get kicked out. Answer questions. Help people with their concerns, problems, and issues (remember, it’s about THEM and THEIR needs, not YOU and YOURS). When someone has a problem your app solves, you can give them that as a solution (become trusted first; use the old Bob Burg gem: “know you, like you, trust you”…and then you can get their business). If you don't have a trial on your app, I suggest you do one. If you can wait 30 days, that’s probably the best (a longer trial version or return window gives users more time in their minds to return or cancel, and they're less likely to do it).
Found out about facebook communities with 100k+ audiences. Most of them are low quality Can you recommend to me some good e-commerce communities? Even in slack, Linkedin or anywhere just that quality should be high
No one is going to do that work for you…
Hi guys, Do you use an automated email marketing to upsale and do follow ups with merchant that installed your apps? Are you familiar with such solution that works with Shopify API (send automated email on targets, for example: send email after installation, send email after 3 days...)