Hi everyone - I'm at a devtools startup and wonder...
# ask-a-growth-question
Hi everyone - I'm at a devtools startup and wondering about content creation/distribution. How do you balance posting content on the company blog and also on blogging platforms like medium, devto, hashnode etc. ? Meaning, If I post a good article on devto, the likelihood of the reader clicking through to my site is small. How can I leverage the reach of these platforms without losing the traffic to them completely? One idea I thought about was posting "teasers" of my blogposts to these platform then just include a "read more" link that directs the reader to my site. Any insights would be appreciated..🙏
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Are you able to put in backlinks to your sites blog?
@Zevi Reinitz perosnally, I see very little traffic from reposting on these platforms (medium/indiehackers). It is better when I write a piece related to the blog content that's specifically designed to get attention with a hook. See examples: https://benjaminboman.com/advice-on-buying-and-selling-ecommerce-business-greg-elfrink/ (blog piece) And compare the reposted versions in my screenshot . 11 tips was an entire article repositng, but the other one was the blog article highlights with a hook. Much better. Still, almost no referral traffic: (screenshot)
Medium seems to be it's own game, where you need to build up a track record of hit pieces and then submit your good pieces to publications on the platform who have a bigger audience instead. I found that reposting content on medium got basically nowhere, but doing a derivative piece at least got some organic views.
@Benjamin Boman - this is great! thank you for the thoughtful reply. Just trying to make sure I understand your suggestion: You're suggesting that I post the long-form, full articles to my company blog, and then compose a shorter version with an attention-grabbing hook for the other platforms (hashnode, devto). The shorter version is meant to get the reader interested and then lead them to a "read more" link in the post so that they'll move over to my site to continue reading. Did I understand that correctly?
Hmm, in a way, yes. The hook version is basically based off the long version which you can link to. But don't expect much referral traffic (if it performs anything like my experience), but you'll certainly get more than simply reposting your long-form one.
Very helpful. Thank you. Can you share an example of a set of such posts you've written? Meaning the full article and the hook equivalent? I saw you posted a full article above but didn't see the paraell shorter version. Thanks again!
@Zevi Reinitz actually I did 🙂 the link to my blog is the full artcile. The indiehackers screenshot shows the 'hook' version at the top
You can also tweet snippets from your article, with a link to the full article on your website. You can tweet as many snippets as you want, because anyway users won't remember. Tweets with links get great engagement. Switch up the graphics (put the graphic in before the link) and then each tweet won't look the same. I find that this drives traffic to my website blog. Are you on LinkedIn? LinkedIn suppresses posts with a link to an external source included, but if you put the link in the first comment box, your post will not be suppressed. Also, BTW, articles on LinkedIn are favored by Google SERPs right now. So, you can repurpose those articles and publish them as a new article on LinkedIn (LinkedIn publisher) and, of course, direct readers to your company website.
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@gavriela dvorah gerson - thanks! Great insights. Regarding the last point about republishing on LinkedIn, what would you suggest? Simply copying and pasting existing articles from the company blog to LinkedIn publisher with a link to the site somewhere in the body of the article?
@Zevi Reinitz It's better if you make a few changes. Such as changing the images, header image, etc. Also, your headers H1 H2, etc, modify them a little, bec this is what Google picks up. And then, yes, link to your company blog within the article, or put a CTA at the end of the article. Once you publish, you can share the article to your LI profile, and to other social networks.
@gavriela dvorah gerson I heard recently that Linkedin stopped penalizing external links. Wondering, do you have a source for the articles getting good organic results?
@Benjamin Boman I haven't heard that. I'll look into it, thanks for the update. As to a source, there have been numerous articles published recently that speak about Google's preference for LinkedIn articles, including Google updates. I don't have any links at my fingertips, but I'm sure you'll find them.
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There are newer sources. If I find them again, I'll send them. I've heard Neil Patel talk about it too, and also the guy on the State of Demand Gen podcast. Do you listen?