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# ask-a-growth-question
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😊 1
I would recommend reaching out to funeral services and partner with them. This would be the easiest to reach out your direct audience without spending a fortune
we currently are as well. Do you think cold calling works
Reach out to them personally on their favourite communication channel. That could be phone, emails, or even going in person. Make sure to show them what they will benefit from partnering with your service
thank you
any other ideas
This might be crazy, I would like a way to make people laugh during my funeral 😁 many years ago when I was living in a war zone, I asked my family that if something happened to me, they should write “Oras is offline” :) A laugh during the hardest times will create a long lasting memory. But this is just me, take it with a grain of salt
thank you
How about the Digital will companies ?
I would do competitor research first. Do you have any known competitors in your space?
n keeper memorials
but noone really does what we do
That's a tough situation for me. I don't see competition as bad, I see it as a good thing. If biz in your field are making money that's a good sign. That means there's money to be made. Now if your the first person, the pioneer in your industry it could be a really good or bad thing. The problem is that you really don't know if there is a need in the market for the service. Did you do market research before launching? I could play devil's advocate here, please don't think i'm an ahole. You have to look at both sides of the coin if you want to be triumphant in biz.
lol I appreciate all help. Before launching we asked hundreds of people and more than most told us it was a great idea that theh would use. We also believed the "death space" never took real advantages of digital marketing
In that case I would run ads on FB, and most importantly I would start an email newsletter and start gathering subscribers so I could market and get sales and provide value. The ads if done right would provide immediate sales. The email newsletter would take more time but it will result in the highest roi. There's a ton of different things you can do, it really depends on your resources, goals and interest.