Hi all! Has anyone here ever used Salesforce API f...
# ask-a-growth-question
Hi all! Has anyone here ever used Salesforce API for Hubspot? We are trying to integrate our Salesforce Sales account with our Hubspot Marketing account through API. We've been told that we need to upgrade our Salesforce account to be able to do that but to be honest it is quite a significant price increase just for an API so I'd be keen to understand if it is worth it and/or if you have other tools to manage your leads between Salesforce and Hubspot. Thanks a lot for your insights!
Yes. Both platforms are equally expensive. There really are not a lot of workarounds. Perhaps some small ones here or there to manage contacts and lists etc via Zapier integrations. What kinds of workflows are you try to solve? If you are a growth company and scaling ops I am afraid there are no quick and dirty ways especially if there is a lot of data investment in either platform.
Thanks James for taking the time to answer! Our Sales team uses Salesforce and the Marketing team Hubspot so we wanted to be able to share marketing qualified leads to the sales team once the contacts have reached a certain point. At the moment we do it manually but we are a B2B SaaS company and we are growing so I don't think the manual option is manageable long-term. I have heard about Zapier, do you know if it is any good?
Happy to help 🙂 That is not a uncommon stack to use between the two. Talking from experience here, esepcially for B2B sales/marketing flows. Zapier is just a 'connector' in that it may help to automate small processes as a stop gap. But really does not avoid the inevitable. From a budget perspective, who would be making the call on the tech stack? I think it really all depends on how marketing heavy you are with your strategy. How well developed is your content marketing strategy? Have you developed all your sequences and workflows with on MQL in mind? Do you do any of the SQL emails or once that gets handed off to Sales (I assume a demo is an SQL) what happens then? Its those questions that I really are deep dive to help your team make the best decision. Its hard to get off of SF or Hubspot. But at this point, just from this chat, I dont thnk there really is any way to avoid the spend. Its more like acceptance and then building out and optimizing those flows from this point forward so everything is not in a state of reaction.
Seconded. I've done this for many clients and you can use zaps for a bit but all the while knowing you are heading towards the upgrade scenario. So you can either do it now if budget allows or plan for it and lean on zapier as a semi-improvement from your current manual push
Thanks Greg, that's very helpful!