we’re at 30k subs and looking to double that by EO...
# ask-a-growth-question
we’re at 30k subs and looking to double that by EOY
😊 2
🔥 1
how long did that take and why is doubling a KPI by EOY important? If you are plateauing at 30k, then the channels you used may likely get exhausted if not already. Might need to look at other growth channels to leverage off of that. Without knowing anything about what product/service you offer, simply asking for a metric tip may not get you many responses :)
Good question
it’s take us 2.5 years to get to 30k subs
with our current model we charge sponsors a flat rate to be seen in our newsletter. (we write up an effective blurb about them that converts well) and the fee that we charge is based our audience size, CPM
we grew 100% Yoy last year
so once we reach 50K+ we can A. Charge more to our sponsors and B. Get more investors at a higher saftey note
What is the link to your newsletter - @John Thomas
Why not reach out to the subs themselves and ask them where they hang out online? Run a poll via social media or send out a survey via email. Hope this helps!