<Reduce churn by knowing your Organization's cultu...
# share-what-you-are-working-on
What do you define as a "poor culture fit?"
In my experience at various tech companies (including Google & Facebook) it is generally a code word for things they otherwise could be held accountable for in court. Such as “you’re too old” “too weird” “too fat” or “too female”. But mostly “too old”. Tech Giants don’t hire people much past 35 for “junior roles” or 45 for “senior” roles. I went prematurely grey in my 30’s and have interviewed multiple times for jobs at virtually every big tech Giant (I have a very much in-demand skill set that all of them require) and have only landed actual offers when I’ve dyed the grey out of my hair. Once I was inside these companies and trying to hire people I had to fight this bullshit ALL THE TIME. “Cultural Interviewers” were the bane of my managerial existence. Every. Single. Person. I ever hired had to be hired over the objections of some snotty twentysomething interviewer on a power trip. This was an Anonymous testimony i hope you get it what is an poor culture fit
Its the exactly what we are trying to achieve
Even i write articles you can have a look and let me know
Thanks. Well, my team is just me now. As someone who's gotten kicked off the table more times that I can count I'm in the process of building my own tribe. I believe those that are forgotten, marginalized, those who think differently or have been beaten down for one reason or another are going to dominate the tech market in the coming decades. Especially women.
Exactly the revolution is gonna take place soon
🙌🏻 1