Hey <@U035BD7QVCM>, also a real estate investor he...
# share-what-you-are-working-on
Hey @Cody Benedetto, also a real estate investor here! I created my product for the exact same reason as you - there wasn't a tool on the market that fit what I needed. As a CPA, being able to track my portfolio's performance was something that seemed super basic but I couldn't find a good tool for it. My product is focused on being an accounting system for real estate investors (akin to QuickBooks) and we have a rental analytics tool as well though that is more of a 'perk', not the main draw. I'd love to connect and see how things are going for you!
Hey Michael, thanks for reaching out. I'd love to learn more and connect! Feel free to book some time on my calendar here: https://calendly.com/cody-modernlaunch/30min