Looking for advice on putting blog on subfolder <R...
# ask-a-growth-question
Looking for advice on putting blog on subfolder Ravel.com/blog or subdomain blog.ravel.com. Our site is built on Webflow, and we’d like to put the blog on our Hubspot. I don’t think it's possible to use both platforms if using a subfolder. Please correct me if I'm off here. Is it true that subfolders are far superior for SEO? Should we rebuild our whole website using Hubspot CMS so that we have all our web presence using one platform? Should we just use Hubspot for the blog and landing pages—both on subdomains and retain Webflow for the main site? Thanks!
I am NOT an expert here, but in doing my research as I asked the same question, the SEO pros I consulted either ended up at being neutral or saying to publish on a subfolder, so that's what we did.
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You can publish from multiple platforms and do a subfolder. We just did an "experiment" to see how this worked. Implying, don't switch platforms for this. And yes "subfolder" >> "subdomain".
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Thanks @Vinod Bollini. I’ll try to Google around to see how to do this. If you have online resources to share from when your team did it, that'd be a big help too if you don't mind sharing.
@Michael One solution involves using amplify (come combination of rewrite and redirects). We hosted the root as a React app and /blog as a Webflow site. Don't have an exact guide, sorry; we did this just as a proof of concept for own planning.
Thanks Vinod!
It’s been a long debate with SEO enthusiasts. Matt Cutts basically said it makes zero difference to bots and how Google indexes the two.
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And that it’s preference based on operations at this point. This dates back to 2012.
Ideally Hubspot can be your CMS and Webflow is how you build the design. You don't need to rebuild the whole website. You'll only be managing your content through Hubspot.
That is if you CAN'T do without using Hubspot
Thanks @Steven Hua and @Richa Sharma Appreciate both of your thoughts. I think we're going to use a subdomain for the blog and have some Hubspot blog content also flow to certain sections of the Webflow root website.
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