<!channel> :mega:The first Growth Talk will be pre...
# growth-events
<!channel> 📣The first Growth Talk will be premiering this week How to make B2B sales more human? /w @Lidia Vijga Date: Thursday, July 14th, 2022 Time: 7:00 PM CET (Central European Time) Duration: 40 minutes Location: Zoom You'll uncover: • Key learnings from processing sales decks from 500 B2B companies • How you can make the perfect B2B pitch deck • How you can become a better B2B salesperson • How to quickly achieve your B2B sales targets. Exclusive invite ONLY for Growth Marketing Pros members. To register for the event click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUocOGrpz4uGdXjmgaNqOE8iwF4rm7ay9vp
Update: Time: 7:30 PM CET (Central European Time)