Hey!! I am testing my brand voice and messaging...
# ask-a-growth-question
Hey!! I am testing my brand voice and messaging strategies for SaaS. I am offering free Brand messaging Intensive to 3 people for free in exchange of testimonials It's a two day Intensive where we will map out the following for your business 1.Who you serve exactly 2.Why do you serve - your mission 3.The core of who you are and how you can use it to the strengths to attract your target audience 4.The core of who your exact audience is - where they are now , what transformation they will go through by your app / product What is the emotional transformation? And many more!!.. I recently worked with @Max Baldwin on his business and we clearly mapped out our brand Messaging and strategy If you are interested please comment below or DM P.s - This is not for any kind of promotion/ marketing. Solely for the purpose of experimenting how I can best help your business
Hi @Lalitha, love the idea of doing the work for free in exchange for testimonials. I do think that a “two day intensive” is a big ask for anyone. Might I suggest a slightly different approach: • Pick a company that interests you and would like to work with • Conduct your brand messaging audit with what you can gather from their website, ads, social presence, etc. It won’t be perfect, but you can get pretty far this way. • Send the free work to whoever you think would be intrigued by it at the companies and ask/explain that to make this meaningful, you’d be willing to do a 1-2 day intensive to finish the work for free • Ask for testimonials at the end. Or better yet, write the testimonial for them and have them approve/edit with their own words. • Repeat as needed Cheers!
@Robert Kaminski that's a terrible idea, it requires so much work with a big chance they might not leave testimonials for you after the hard work she puts in, or they might not even be interested, it's best to agree beforehand.
You have to give first before you can ask for something. And in order for a prospect to engage with you, you will need to develop some level of trust and credibility. Asking for 2 days of someones time is about as aggressive of an ask you can have with little to back it up. The “so much work” you refer to is an opportunity to: • get better at your craft • content that can be used later when someone asks… “What are the outputs of this intensive?“. And If they get any value from it at all, they will be happy to be a part of a testimonial - the power of reciprocity. But as you noted, I have terrible ideas so feel free to ignore. Cheers!
Smh 🤦‍♂️ she is giving first before asking for testimonials, she's just making sure companies are interested in this arrangement, as opposed to your strategy make random brand strategy for google and Berkshire Hathaway and email it to them then ask for testimonials and see what happens, what a bad way to waste time!