Weekly Question <!channel> This is a question as ...
# ask-a-growth-question
Weekly Question <!channel> This is a question as old as marketing itself 😁. Which do you prefer, organic or paid marketing? 1️⃣Organic Marketing 2️⃣Paid Marketing 3️⃣F*** it, I prefer and use both If you can, share in thread the explanation for your choice.
1️⃣ 21
3️⃣ 28
2️⃣ 4
Organic is great because it's free, but its hard and takes a lot of time. Paid is a great supplement while you build up organic and great for filling in the gaps where you don't win organically.
👍 4
I run a SaaS PPC agency and we always encourage our clients to invest in SEO. PPC can nurture SEO and vice versa. Both are complementary!
🚀 1
Whatever reaches the most people, IMO. 🤷🏻‍♂️
✌️ 1
We used a combo with the acronym POEM • Paid • Owned/Organic • Earned … media
@Dominick Cabal - I'm curios, what do you mean by "earned"? How is that different than organic?
Earned channels are usually things like: influencers, forums, review sites, etc. stuff where you can't really control the convo
interesting. Thanks!
Ads for one-time purchases. Organic for subscriptions.
Earned media paired with organic media is great for people bootstrapping. It includes PR mentions (we have local startup outlets in KC that many founders use to get their platform noticed). There’s also things like HARO (Help a Reporter Out), going on podcasts, guest posting, etc. I also think just being in your community in general and building relationships is the best way to market your business. I believe in business karma-- the more you invest in others the better your business will do. Organic can work but you need to get in front of people. I think ads can be beneficial but often you need to validate that your organic funnel is working before you start using it with cold traffic. Otherwise you’re pouring money into a leaky faucet.
👍 3
Yep— I'd put PR and backlinking (seo) in the earned bucket too
Paid marketing - Short term results Organic marketing - long term results Both are based on what type of results you want for that particular scenario
🙌 1