What's been your best workflow using a lead magnet...
# ask-a-growth-question
What's been your best workflow using a lead magnet - collecting email addresses, and then warming prospect - How many touch points/how long between them? and killer thank you messages.
The number of email (s) or email Sequences or based on various factors such as the type of market , the complexity of the product, the investment, risk - and how many days it takes for the prospect to see the results What type of product is it ?
back office tools ( saas ) for therapists
Immediate signup available with a small free trial - but cost of change is high, its a bog ask for them to use a different work tool everyday - like changing the email tool you use
So the email should be targeted on making the change in the lead's mind
I think we should look at the email marketing for this through more of psychological side Till now what type of tool they are using for the product? How are you going to make them understand your tool will provide the best value
they use Zoom and Google Calendar and Calendly and word and PDF's etc etc
I was looking at the process as well as the content
Instead of making it seem like an email marketing - think of it like this Consider your target audience as your friend - let's name him Jay So you obviously would want the best for your friend and you know your product will best help him How are you going to make him understand?
A day in the life of... scenario
That's interesting - Incase you are hesitant about mentioning the specifics here You can dm me I am beta testing my services - I would love to help you out in exchange of testimonials ( solely for the purpose of experimenting how I can provide the best value )
Sure. Thanks - any examples of a good workflow from Advert to email with an e-book as lead magnet?
1.Make sure you are clear on who you target , how you target, which country/ city you target . 2.Make sure the ad is targeted and ad copy is good 3.Focus on the conversion rate of landing page If click through rate is less - A/B test the ad copy If the onsite conversion is less - Twist the copy of landing page
Once you get their email and send them the promised lead magnet aka ebook in this case
I think what kind of emails to follow is solely based on the specifics of the product as I mentioned before
This might be the common steps 1. Lead magnet email (s ) The one where you send the email with lead magnet. If the book is complex, you might need an email Sequence explaining the lead how they might get the best use out of the book
2. Indoctrination Sequence - introducing who you are and why you Matter And then nurture Sequence where you provide them value and nurture the prospect leading the conversion with building authority and trust
Then sales Sequence or process
Thanks Lalitha
But in your case - it might be vastly different from this one because When the change that they make is huge - we want to go deep into who they are and their core fears and motivators We have to rectify the roadblocks that stops them from taking the change
You can always dm me Incase you have any queries :D