Has anyone here set up a TOFU where a prospect get...
# ask-a-growth-question
Has anyone here set up a TOFU where a prospect gets to watch your video demo (instead of booking a call with an Account Executive). And you have it setup where you can tell which prospect watched how much of each video. So then you have visibility into prospects and their engagement with your videos. Use case being that depending on the engagement, we'd know who to follow up with.
You won't be able to drill down to who exactly watched what, however you can remarket to people based off of the % of the video they watched via ads
Outside of ads there isn't really a way to target people based off of that criteria unless you have a dev team. Maybe through email but that would require them to already be apart of your data base
I've built a system in the past where we had a developer build a custom thing on our portal. We would have users self identify through a hubspot form before being redirected to the page with the videos. The videos were embeded Wistia players. The script would tell HubSpot how much of each video the user watched. Today I have access to none of those tools, lol.
Wistia has something that would fulfil this need. They have like your own youtube channel, but on Vidyard. And you can have people self identify by embedding their email address in the link you give them to access. So this would easily be doable with a form + zapier trigger. But that Vidyard plan is at least $5K/year.
There are other tools in the market, like dubb video and hippo video. So with all of the wisdom in this group, maybe someone has hacked together this use case before.
Wistia professional plan with hubspot professional plan would also get the job done, but again, too much money for those tools.
i'm gonna say that this likely isn't possible without investing a pretty penny into, but maybe someone will prove me wrong
hey @Ed Cravo I've done this before with interactive product demos but not videos. We set up Hubspot automation so depending how far along they got in the demo we either route them directly to sales or we send them a marketing drip email. We also combined our interactive demo tour data with Hubspot data to route based on a variety of signals. I'd imagine you can do something similar with video but would be happy to walk you through our set up.
Hi Natalie, that's awesome. Sounds like it would require HubSpot Marketing Professional level. Is that right?
I wouldn't call a video demo TOFU, but if the video is hosted, you can use google analytics events to track percentage of that watched. and if you are using hubspot marketing enterprise, you can use behavioural events to do the same thing, which would connect with a person. Even in analytics, you could create a custom dimension, with the hubspot user token as a user property. You could create google ads audiences off those events.
hehe you're right, TOFU of the sales sub-funnel ;)
HubSpot enterprise would certainly solve it all. I don't have that, not even pro at this time.
If paid— What channel is this?
@Ed Cravo yes you would need marketing hub pro to create workflows. We've seen clients also do this though with Zapier and slack and avoid Hubspot all together
Dominick, no channel specifically, I will host a video library online. But to answer your question, I'm driving demand through a cold email and through organic on LinkedIn
Looks like Wistia has an off the shelf solution
The channels (or even individual videos) can be set up to have the user self identify.
That's even at the $19/mo channel
Or you can do email merge, so that you can send a prospect to a video, merging their email address into the link, so Wistia will know who is watching. And in their analytics tehy tell you who watched!
I set this up for a few clients with webinar replays and on demand sales videos. Am sure there are other ways to do it, but here was my approach Here's what you need 1. Vidalytics account 2. Zapier account 3. Ability to pass user email as query string to page with video (set in form thank you page settings) Here's how you setup tags for smart follow up 1. Setup events in vidalytics that relate to your key video moments (if it is a 20 min pitch and you reveal an offer at 15 mins you might use that, and also one after 2-5 mins to check they watched the start 2. Use these events with zapier and the user email address to find them in your crm and add a tag 3. Now you can filter leads that opted in to watch the demo by tags for 2mins and 15mins, and personalise email marketing to follow up How should you run smart follow ups? 1. If people didn't watch past 2mins, send emails to get them back to watch it from the start 2. If they watched 2 mins but not 15 mins, send emails to bring them back to video link (vidalytics can start video where they left) 3. If they watched 15 mins and saw your offer, follow up with more direct messages (not asking them to watch video again) Where to find more info? https://vidalytics.com/integrations/zapier
@Josh do you think this is possible to link to an email outreach service like smartreach instead of a CRM?
Does smart reach connect to zapier?
Would have to check that out, it might be possible. So I suppose if they integrate then there is a chance it can work?
Am sure you can find one of them that would. You just need to personalise the link to your video behind a text link so it is domain.com/video?email=mynextclient@email.com
Ok great thank you! Should be enough for me to work off of here. Appreciate the insights
Last question, how well did this process work for you? Did you see a significant increase in conversions after setting up a process like this?
Yes my clients loved knowing this insight before having calls with clients, that was the flow we used because they are selling high ticket programs that need calls to close
There is no downside to knowing more about your prospects engagement history, having more personalized messaging and more relevant communication.. How you leverage this to close more sales is up to you
Very fair point, going to take a crack at making this work!
What is your outreach strategy and video like? You're welcome to DM me if you don't want to share publicly
Josh, that's amazing, thanks for sharing it. I'll take a closer look at your system. With Wistia, the same flow works with adding a parameter to the URL ?weemail= and wistia grabs and reports it to you even at the $19/month plan. So I'm going with Wistia for their "Channel" feature looks incredible.
Wistia out of the box will tell you the percentage of each individual video the person has watched.
I'm setting up a new funnel, and I want to give buyers the ability to self service well into the consideration stage before getting on the phone with our team. Enterprise buyers spend about 70% of their buying time NOT speaking with sales. So my vision is the empower them to self-serve and "do their homework"
Sounds good Ed, does Wistia $19 plan allow you to trigger automations in crm/marketing platform when viewers watch past certain moments in the video?
Nope. We're going to be reviewing it manually.
$319/mo plan it looks like for integration to send data to CRM/Marketing Automation.