Hi everyone. My name is <Yarden Tadmor>. i’m an e...
# introduce-yourself
Hi everyone. My name is Yarden Tadmor. i’m an entrepreneur and angel investor, and I love to work with early stage start ups and founding teams, helping them to get to their next milestone. More about me below. Also — I dedicate weekly “entrepreneur hours” where I talk to founders 1x1 about any questions they have relating to product, marketing, funding, etc. Feel free to reach out via DM to setup a time. More about me. Technology startup entrepreneur and operator with 25+ years experience of building software technology innovation companies, taking them to market, and scaling software startup businesses. Helped build and scale 4 exited startups (Quigo acq. by AOL $380M; Dapper acq. by Yahoo $70M; ConvertMedia acq. by Taboola $100M; Taboola IPO (TBLA)). Focused on product development, growth marketing, sales and business development, funding, finance and operations. Performed a wide range of exec. level roles in early stage B2B and B2C startups from product inception through design, execution and go-to-market as VP, SVP and C-level as head of technology, product, and revenue. Led creation and transformation efforts in general management, capital raising, product development, marketing strategy, go-to-market, business development, sales, and operations. P&L management experience with $1M-$10M+ annual spend budgets. Hired dozens of software engineers, product, visual design, marketing, sales, business development, and finance employees in the U.S. and overseas. Past experience includes early exec team member at 4 exited startups with over $2.5B in investor value. In Taboola (TBLA) as CRO, took it from $5K to $1M a month MRR under 2 years; at Convert Media (acquired for $100M in 2017) as CRO, led transformation to algorithmic video ad exchange, which led to the acquisition by Taboola for $100M; Led Dapper’s GTM strategy (acquired for $70M by Yahoo in 2010) taking the company from $0-$10M ARR; In Quigo took the company from $0 - $70M ARR (acquired for $370M by AOL in 2008), led product development and took it to market as VP of sales and business development. As a sole founder, I founded Switch App (Switch App featured on ABC's 'Good Morning America), a job search app, and Livekick (Livekick.com), a virtual yoga and mindful movement platform, being the first live-video yoga and fitness class platform (zoom classes) before Covid. Raised $8M (2014-2019) as sole founder from venture funds in NY, LA and SV and Israel; Helped raise $50M+ into A through C rounds. Posses rich strategic and tactical level experience as operator in areas of technology, product, marketing and GTM experience in mar-tech, ad tech, e-commerce, online publishing, and content. Built and led on-site and remote software development and product teams in the U.S., Israel, Ukraine, as well as sales, business development and marketing teams in NY, SF and across the U.S.
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hi yarden I'd love to hear your insights on the yoga space and learn what you've noticed as areas of opportunity there!