Hi :wave::skin-tone-4: Last week, I tried to buy ...
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Hi 👋🏽 Last week, I tried to buy meat from my regular meat vendor and he didn't give me an extra piece like he usually does. That led me to a realisation about how you can delight customers by packaging bonuses as separate from your product. My meat vendor knows how many pieces of meat he intends to give me (let's say 7 pieces). But instead of cutting 7 pieces, he'd cut 6 pieces and add an "extra" one as if it were an afterthought (a bonus). In my latest newsletter, I wrote more about how over-delivering (or the appearance of it) can delight customers, how to get influencers to boost viral content without paying them, and loads more 🚀. Read the full newsletter here 📌 : https://marketingforgeeks.substack.com/p/mfg-07-product-led-growth-viral-content