Hi guys, I have been working on Promotee (<www.pro...
# ask-a-growth-question
Hi guys, I have been working on Promotee (www.promotee.co), a Reddit Marketing tool. The app grew faster and gathered 200+ users. We also made around $1k dollars in 10 days but couldn't stay active from last few days to market the product. My growth really stopped and now i don't know how to pick it up. Any suggestions?
Read data. Interview customers. All answers lie there.
Yeah, working on customer interviews but clueless how to gather new
Did you launch on ProductHunt?
Interested in knowing how long does it take for you to have 200 users @Old Founder
What did you do to get that signup for your product or beta? Try to learn from you 🙏🏻
It took me around 2 weeks. Also most if the sign-ups came organically by engaging in various communities. People find it useful si they sign up and give it a try.
Thank you!
Why don't you try acquiring few users through ads just make an engaging Instagram/Reddit post explaining your product. Try running the ads on Reddit assuming your TG is there, or you can try fb/google ads. Not the best way to get early users but one of the best to understand why people signup and what's working out. And don't spend alot if you ain't getting results. Would love to help you make some creatives if needed🙏
Tried it out - very buggy and would't let me input key words
I wanted to give it a shot as I am trying to acquire paid users for my startup, https://codera.app
Hey, yes some of the features has bugs that we are constantly fixing. I'm hoping you pressed enter after writing the keywords? As only then it inputs them
Also, join this discord server if in case you face more issues with the app just put the query in there- https://discord.gg/AAhvyY4bXJ You might find solutions with other people in the server too!