Daily Growth Tip: Emphasize different types of soc...
# growth-tips
Daily Growth Tip: Emphasize different types of social proof at different levels of your funnel Social proof is powerful, but if utilized as a blunt instrument, it will leave customers on the table. Instead, display multiple types of social proof at different stages of your funnel. ShipBob was recently valued at a billion dollars. One of the many things they used to get there was a fantastic social-proof approach that stressed different types of social proof at different phases. Here's how to replicate it. Share important wins at the top of the funnel (primarily on social media). This includes press, accolades, large clients, and the like — anything that demonstrates your brand's trustworthiness while boosting traffic to your website. Use landing pages in the middle of the funnel to include video testimonials, case studies, and quotes highlighting the pain points that genuine customers/brands encountered, as well as the solutions you gave. At this point, trust must be strengthened even further, and the prospect must see how their requirements can be addressed. Add testimonials to your pricing page towards the bottom of the funnel. At this point, the prospect has done their research and is considering pricing; a rapid confidence boost may get them off the fence.
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If anyone is interested to learn more about ShipBob social proof strategy that led them to a billion dollar evaluation read this article: https://foundationinc.co/lab/shipbob-social-proof-formula
I completely agree, @Stefan Despotovski The best marketing is proof. And there's no better proof than the real words and voices of your customers. They provide proof of the workings of your product and highlight the new features, and they establish credibility and goodwill for the brand. In fact I was reading: • A survey by BigCommerce showed that the regular use of testimonials can help you generate 62% more revenue from every customer, not just once, but every time they visit your site. • A survey by Animoto showed that 56% of people find customer testimonials helpful. • According to Social Fresh, customer testimonials have the highest effectiveness rating for content marketing at 89%. My only advice is to avoid text-heavy case studies or just static pictures with a length copy on social media. Nobody wants to put in too much effort to absorb information. As a marketing manager, I’ve tried this too and it doesn’t work. That’s why we created a video testimonial service. We conduct customer interviews remotely and deliver studio-quality video testimonials. In case anyone needs help in understanding video testimonials- I had recently written an exhaustive guide on how to create client testimonials, that will blow your mind. It covers everything from different types of testimonials and best practices to the psychology behind client testimonials and how testimonials help you rank higher in SERPs. I am linking it here. I hope it helps: https://www.contentbeta.com/client-testimonial-essentials-the-what-why-how-guide/