Video Growth Tip #1 What makes the best B2B sales ...
# growth-tips
Video Growth Tip #1 What makes the best B2B sales pitch? From @Lidia Vijga
This is a short video taken out from Growth Talk #1 with Lidia if you are looking to be part of more growth talk events join the #growth-events channel
Two components - the best approach with the buyer is a conversation. BUT, if the buyer has a team that needs to come on board, then a deck led conversation might be the way to go. LESSS IS MORE. Do not crowd pitches full of stats. It’s not about them READING the deck, it’s about them HEARING you. So your deck is a prompt. I have a slide that read 67% That’s it. 67% - that is the global shopping cart abandonment rate. And in $6T e-tail market, that is $4T in lost revenues. Nothing else needs to be written - i Illustrated that abandoned carts are huge. So my next slide is this: 85% THAT is the abandon rate of shopping carts on mobile apps. 85% And that is what we are going to help you fix today. 2 simple numbers, 2 simple slides, start a conversation with a room. It’s a pitch, not a proposl.
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