Hi everyone! Does anyone know a tool that works l...
# ask-a-growth-question
Hi everyone! Does anyone know a tool that works like Quillbot specifically for copywriting simplification? I’m looking for a way (ideally automated) to help copywriters write in a less corporate - more conversational way. Feel free to share any tips on this as well. gratitude thank you
@Eram Khatoon and @Hira - Copywriter and Consultant I believe you are both copywriters. Can you share some tools that you are using that can help Tina?
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Hey! For sure! Jasper.ai is a good platform for accomplishing that. I personally love smallseotools.com it has literally everything. You can also use Hemmingway app to edit and set the tone right after you're done formulating the copy.
@Eram Khatoon I’m testing Jasper.ai. Have you used WordHero as well? I’m considering Jasper or WordHero. The reason is that WordHero has appsumo deal , but they don’t have any trials.
I have used Jasper and it was pretty good and helpful. I don't have personal experience with WordHero, I'll just ask around my copywriter friends and get back to you. I'm sure someone or the other must've used it.
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Thank you! 🙂
@Eram Khatoon thank you for the recommendations 😊 I’ll try Jasper for sure! Also @Lynn Cu ty for sharing your experience. I’m looking forward to hearing more about WordHero as well. Looks good but looks can lie 😄
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Hi @Tina - I am a sales copywriter and most of the tools I have tried are cool but they are still not there to gauge the brand elements into the copy. I have used Jasper and Copy.ai as well.
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So after asking a few of my colleagues I came to the conclusion that WordHero overall is a good AI tool if you are using it for blogs to write content faster and generate ideas for you. But it's not advisable to use it for client work and I don’t see it doing a good job with copy. It might help inspire you and give you inspo when you’re short on ideas at max but that’s about it.
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I haven’t dared to use Jasper for client works either. I am using Jasper just to inspire me when I have writer’s block 😄 Because I haven’t utilize Jasper well enough?
@Eram Khatoon what do you think about Jasper with blog post writing for SaaS?
Honestly I'd say you can use it for generating ideas, topics and subtopics even for SaaS but relying on Jasper for the whole thing is not gonna generate quality content. Personally I rely 100% on research and websites like answerthepublic.com for generating ideas. Also, no it's not that you haven't utilised Jasper, one must remember at the end of the day it's just AI.
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