Those are my mailing lists. The coding clinic is ...
# ask-a-growth-question
Those are my mailing lists. The coding clinic is a free event I hosted to teach people development. I got 9 signups, only 1 person seemed genuinely interested, but he was only very new to the tech field and didn't yet have work. I was hoping I'd get at least a few employed junior developers (thinking they could see, "hey, this guy knows what he's talking about," then talk with their hiring manager), but that never panned out. The Newsletter is my blog. So far 0 signups. I encourage people to subscribe to the mailing lists. I put the newsletter signup on my homepage and at the bottom of every blog (at least I try to remember, odoo doesn't have a way to do that automatically). I write from a voice of authority. People have said they way I write entertains them. I've been doing this for close to a year (or more).