How we drive 100 paid signups monthly from Content...
# growth-tips
How we drive 100 paid signups monthly from Content Marketing, netting us an additional $7k new MRR every month. And we started from 0 in December 2021. Back in October last year, I was brainstorming ways to get more signups on our app. We wanted to go after smaller users and get many of them. Doing outbound on them didn't make sense and google ads were not giving ROI. I had scaled a few saas websites before using content marketing and was sure this would be a success too. My only concern was, that our app is a little complex, with not the best onboarding, so I want sure of how many trials would convert into paid customers. Now, the first step was keyword discovery - I looked into our CRM and asked the developer to export all the sales transcripts, chats and customer feedback forms. I analyzed all this textual data and discovered customers' pain points in these conversations. I then found keywords which had enough volume and low competition. For instance - "How to send bulk emails", "my open rates are poor", "need sales coaching" and "how to measure sales engagement". So we started writing on these keywords. We immediately started ranking on these pages. With some paid backlinks on these, we started driving lots of free trials. Once we finished this batch of keywords, we then started writing articles on the 6 frameworks below - 1) Alternatives to ‘X’ - You talk about alternatives to your competitor 2) Pricing of ‘X’ - You talk about alternatives to your competitor 3) Reviews of ‘X’ - You write reviews about your competitor by aggregating from various sites like G2, Capterra 4) Comparison posts: this framework objectively compares your product to your top competitors 5) Best product or service lists: this framework helps searchers discover the best products in the category they’re searching for. 6) Product or Service Use Cases: this framework helps searchers figure out how to solve a problem they have and presents your product or service as a potential solution. After this, the articles that would be on page 1 and page 2 of google, we would re-write them (into the best articles on the internet) and secure more backlinks on them, so we consistently stay at the top. The paid signups suddenly started shooting up in March 2022. Currently, we are not writing a lot and still reaping benefits. Most of our focus is now on backlinks. These signups will never dry, even if we just get some backlinks. This is the Content Marketing for you. It scales slow but gives consistent results.